

Tem tocado também: HOLOPAW - HOLOPAW

Ameritronica. Soa bem, não é?

09. PJ Harvey – Horses in My Dreams (in Stories from the City, Stories From the Sea)

Uma estranha balada cantada em tom bluesy. Mais uma vez, os cavalos como ideia de liberdade ...“rode a horse ‘round the world”... será, talvez, saudosismo da altura em que era este o melhor meio de transporte terrestre, não deixa de ser estúpido. Os cavalos como autonomia. A canção de PJ Harvey é tensa e pesada, como são muitas outras aqui presente, dum disco que não é tão mau como muita gente quis fazer crer. É também muito simpático ver PJ Harvey admitir que nunca conseguirá chegar perto do nível de Patti Smith, ao admitir que o Horses, só nos seus sonhos.


Primeiro contacto com BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE ("Kc Accidental")

Fabuloso. Não acreditem no hype, mas oiçam-no...


10. Jerry Seinfeld – Horses (I’m Telling Your for the Last Time)

Não há uma forma facíl de fazer isto:

When you're on the road, which I'm not now, you have to do what everybody suggests to do for that day, because... you gotta do something. A couple of weeks ago we were in Pittsburgh, we went to the track, bet on the horses. This is idiotic. I think it's fun, but I never would think for a second that I could figure out what horse is going to win, I don't even think the horses know that they're racing. Do they? I mean, are they walking back to the stable afterwards, going "I was third", "I was fifth", "I was ninth"? "You cut me off, watch that". "I'll kick your ass next time". I think more likely, they're thinking, (singing) "oat bag, I get my oat bag now. Oat bag time for me". I mean, the horses have some idea that the jockey is in a hurry. I mean, he's on him, he's urging him, he's hitting him, "come on, come on", you know, so, "this is important that I get somewhere for this guy, quick", but they must get to the end and go (breathing deeply) "we were just here, what was the point of that ?! This is where we were ! That was the longest possible route you could take to get where you wanted to be! Why don't we just stay here, I would've been first!"

I'll tell you one thing the horses definitely do not know, they do not know if you should accidentally trip and break your leg, at any point during the race, we're gonna blow your brains out. I think they're missing that little tidbit of information. If they knew that, you'd see some mighty careful stepping coming down that home stretch. "Easy, fellas, easy. You win, I'll place, whatever it is. It's all the same oat bag, fellas. The important thing is your health".

I've tried horseback riding, I can't really do that. And... they don't really give you the good horses... when you're not good at it. I found that out. The guy says "what level of rider would you say that you are ?". I go "I don't know, zero, nothing, whatever the system is. I can't do it, is that clear enough for you ? I'm going where the horse wants to go, okay ? That's my... level !". Of course, they hear that, they start looking around, "alright, is Glue-Stick back yet ? How about Almost-Dead, why don't you saddle him up ?"

So I get on this U-shaped... lightning-quick steed I got here... I had the only horse you could put your feet flat on the ground while you're riding him. I'm riding the Hammock, here. Looking up at my friends, "I don't feel like we all got the same kind of horse". It was kind of a secure feeling, I could just kind of walk along with them, there, you know.

And the horse isn't to thrilled with having me, either. The horse knows, they may be dumb, but they know you can't ride. And they don't like it. They just stop, you know, and they look up at you, with that frightening horsy face, you know, with those huge nostrils, and that big bowling ball eye. "Chill out, hop-along, I know the trail. Yeah, I'm here every God-damn day, okay ? And I really appreciate the kicking while I'm taking a leak, too. Yeah, thanks a lot, that really improves the already wonderful life that I have. People either are sitting on me or kicking me while I'm peeing. I've got a really sweet gig here at the ranch".

Get out of a car that has 300 horsepower to sit on an animal that has one. Why do we use the term horsepower ? Is that also to insult the horse ? The space-shuttle rocket boosters, each one, has 20 million horsepower. Why are we still comparing it with the horse ? Any chance we're gonna go back to using horses for rockets, trying to keep track of how many we're going to need ?

"Hey horse, the rocket engine just broke down, can you get 20 million friends together really fast ?"

"20 million, that's a lot..."

They do make glue out of horses, I have no idea how they do it... or who even saw that potential. That's a brainstorm in my book. What are you, working in a stationary store, you see a horse walk by the window...

"wait a minute !!! I think he... could be glue !"

"are you sure ?"

"I'm positive !"

"how do we pick out the really sticky ones ?"

"you leave that to me"

"what about that one over there, he's weaving around, he looks like he's outta his mind"

"he'll be Crazy-glue"

To me the toughest part of the horses' life is the horse trailer. I don't know who designed that. Is that the best way to move a horse out on the highway ? Is that what we all need to see, their huge, fat, disgusting asses ? Right in my face ? Is it good for the horses ? They're probably standing in the back going "do you feel a draft, Bill ? I can't see anything back there, but it's awfully breezy, isn't it ? You don't think our huge fat asses are hanging out the back of this truck, do you ? Why the hell would they do that to us ? They already ride us around and kick us while we're peeing. What's the point of sticking our ass out of the truck ?"


Uma variação. A Pina and the top ten só tem a perder com a monotonia. Não foi esta a razão da paragem recente. Isso prendeu-se mais com questões de pouco tempo, tanto livre como útil, em frente a um computador. Mas são tempos passados. Sendo assim, é com muito orgulho que passo a apresentar algo porque muitos de vocês sempre esperaram. As dez melhores canções de sempre sobre cavalos. Cavalos. Não que eu goste especialmente de cavalos, mas aparentemente alguns artistas gostam muito. Aqui vêm eles:

(nos próximos dias...)


O rock fica-lhes tão bem.

No Cabeleireiro

Raios partam as desgraças! (Mas ao menos tinham a televisão desligada).


Azure Ray - November

A cantora das Azure Ray canta sílaba a sílaba. Como se as palavras que saem da sua boca - e que formam um conjunto banal - fossem a coisa mais importante do mundo. Tem também uma voz muito bonita. Assim é que é.

Está a dar!

Está a dar!


Primeira audição.

A nova banda sonora dos Sigur Rós é melhor que o ( ).


Coimbra, Capital Nacional da Cultura

Estive um fim de semana em Coimbra. Foi bastante bom. Coimbra tem uma das melhores baixas de Portugal, que tem vindo a ser lentamente recuperada. Um pouco acima, tem bairros sombrios que eu espero que nunca sejam recuperados. Ainda mais acima, há decadência e a universidade em ambiente a la East Berlin. Cool ainda assim. Há também jardins, mas esses são iguais em todo o lado.
Passemos à cultura. O novo Centro de Artes Visuais, ainda que inacabado, está muito bonito. Nada sei de urbanismo ou de arquitectura, mas a mim pareceu-me bem. Uma espécie de Museu de Serralves, mais pequeno e inserido no centro da cidade. Pontos extra para a mostra de fotografia de Coimbra e para os escritórios... a exposição passava por lá, não sei se foram caros nem me interessa. São classy.
Vi também um espectáculo, "Polaroid". Vagamente ligado à dança, brinca com o universo da realidade virtual ligado aos jogos de vídeo. Vi uma Lara Croft a correr, algumas lutas, tudo num ambiente futurista, enérgico e cintilante. Foi decente...
Vale a pena ir a Coimbra este ano, nem que seja sob o pretexto da cultura.


Ride - In a Different Place

Jeff Tweedy may become your Sting, Wayne Coyne your Peter Gabriel, Mercury Rev your Steely Dan


Deveria estar a trabalhar. Processos de decisão na União Europeia. Avanço devagar, o que me mantém aqui é isto:

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